Our Research and Innovation Strategy
Our Research and Innovation (R&I) strategy focuses on the evolution and development of innovation theory and philosophy, management innovation, concept innovation, theoretical innovation, social innovation, system innovation and technology innovation.
We also focus on the contemporary issue of global leadership, strategic management of technology and innovation, technology management, transfer, leapfrogging, foresight, innovation. It provides comprehensive support and encouragement throughout the R&I life cycle and contributes to the betterment of society, education and development.
Our R&I strategy helps to develop and sustain the global opportunities for the College to carry out our footprint, increase our visibility, enhance the quality, global reach and impact.

The phrase of China Embracing Innovation was coined in 2016 by Professor Richard Li-Hua. The theory, which was firstly published by him in Chinese language by Tsinghua Management Review in 2016, subsequently in Outlook China, Enterprise Management, United Nations Chronical with over 30 papers in both Chinese and English, and further extended to a monograph in the end of 2017 by China Enterprise Management Publishing House, Beijing, (ISBN 978-7-5164-1617-4), entitled as “China Embracing Innovation Leads to the Future”, has greatly aroused the interest and appraisal of politicians, academics, innovators and entrepreneurs in the global community. The theory has been established from a global perspective, a historical and philosophical angle and a strategic management perspective. It is based upon the author’s 30 years of observation of global challenges, rapid changes between East and West, his longitudinal academic research on China’s technology and innovation strategies, competitiveness and sustainability, economic development trajectory so as to resolve the paradox of China's economy with sustained, high-speed and stable development within 40 years, so as to analyze the root of China's social, political, economic and environmental sustainable development, and to explain the path of China's peaceful rise.
What is it?
China embracing innovation is a strategic model and a new paradigm of the wise who are seeking common development, sharing resources and a win-win solution. It is a social innovation. It refers to a novel and innovative solution to a complicated social problem. The solution is more distinctive, effective and efficient, better, equitable and sustainable than the existing approach. At the same time, it creates value for the benefit of society as a whole. The essential elements, also regarded as the four pillars of the embracing innovation theory, are as follows: a. embracing contradictions, b. heading with the times, c. seeking common ground while maintaining differences, and d. creating harmony and tolerance. These four pillars support and complement each other.
The value system of “embracing innovation” can be summarized into four "integrations":
an integration of prescriptive strategies with emergent strategies.
an integration of the planning economy with the marketing economy.
an integration of eastern and western management theories and philosophies.
an integration of different cultures and civilizations.
It is more reflected in the superstructure and ideological field. It contains two levels:
First, it refers to concept and philosophy innovation, designed as a top guide to break the shackles of the spirit and helps problem-solving. It delivers social and political sustainability; Second, it refers to innovation of technology and management, which balances the innovation strategy between indigenous innovation and imitative innovation and helps to build a solid economic foundation and sustainability. The two levels of “embracing innovation” are complementary to each other, which makes the “embracing innovation” a soul of national progress and world development, an inexhaustible power of the national prosperity and world peace.
It is important to explain theoretically the peaceful rise of China to the world. China embracing innovation has led the delivery of China's political, social, economic and environmental sustainability. It is the strategic approach to China's peaceful rise; it cracked the curse that the rising power is bound to challenge the ruling power. The trend of civilization is not conflict, but inclusive, integrative, mutual respect, mutual appreciative. This innovation theoretically responds to the "clash of civilizations". China's peaceful rise avoids the Thucydides trap.
Professor Richard Li-Hua, Founder and President of EICC
Video on China Embracing Innovation
Keynote Speech at UNAI Forum at United Nation Headquarters, New York, 2017
Special Interview in Chinese at CAMOT 10 year anniversary celebration at Cambridge University, 2016
Outlines 10 year Vision of CAMOT during CAMOT Conference 2016 at Cambridge University
China Embracing Innovation Leads to the Future published by UN Chronicle

Following the signature of the memorandum of agreement for strategic collaboration between ELITE Innovation College Cambridge (EICC) and Tunisian International University, the Centre for International Technology Transfer in Africa (CITTA) was formally launched by Professor Richard Li-Hua, Founder and President of EICC and Dr Ridha Rejeb, Founder of TIU on 25th February, 2022, witnessed with hundreds of participants in EICC’s Global Innovation Webinar, as their research and innovation arm to promote and consolidate their joint research and innovation activities of both institutions and enhance their academic capacity building and increase their international visibility.

Technology transfer is widely recognized as the acquisition, adaption, and use of technological knowledge by an individual, group or society other than the one who developed the technology. It has been a subject of considerable interest to many groups, such as government policymakers, international funding agencies, business executives, and university presidents/vice chancellors because of the close relationship between technology transfer and economic growth. For the founders of both institutions, they have a strong interest on technology transfer as they are not only concerned with the development of their academic institutions but also the economic growth of the local economy where they are.
In the living memory, following the success of technology transfer in Latin America in the 70s and Southeast Asia in the 80’s, international technology transfer works effectively from developed to the developing countries, for example, China and India are not catch-up but also emerging as economic engine of the world economy since the 90s of last century. International technology transfer is an important global development trend and the other one is the economic globalization. The economic globalization is one of the three main dimensions of globalization commonly found recently in academic literature, with the two others being political globalization and cultural globalization, as well as the general term of globalization. Economic globalization refers to the widespread international movement of goods, capital, services, technology and information. However, the world economy continues to grow. And the economies of the major OECD countries suffered during the pandemic but are all expected to grow. Emerging economies as a group continue to excel, the signature of the Regional Economic Partnership (RCEP) creates the largest free-trade zone which involves 30 % of the world population and contributes 30% of the world GDP, with China and India in particular remaining major drivers of the global expansion. China and India, according to PwC Report “The World in 2050”, will be the 1st and 2nd largest economies by 2050.
China embracing innovation is a strategic model and a new paradigm of the wise who are seeking common development, sharing resources and a win-win solution. It is a social innovation. It refers to a novel and innovative solution to a complicated social problem. The solution is more distinctive, effective and efficient, better, equitable and sustainable than the existing approach. At the same time, it creates value for the benefit of society as a whole. The essential elements, also regarded as the four pillars of the embracing innovation theory, are as follows: a. embracing contradictions, b. heading with the times, c. seeking common ground while maintaining differences, and d. creating harmony and tolerance. These four pillars support and complement each other.
Research evidence show that international technology transfer, a two-way process, not only works from the developed to the developing, from West to the East but also works from North to the South. What is needed urgently is to raise the awareness and necessity of international technology transfer in the African Continent. Therefore, we are calling global attention of international technology transfer and innovation in Africa.

As we are aware that there is no equitable sharing of global technological advances and their application in raising the welfare of communities or states and there was no forcing basis to bring together developed and developing countriess in development collaboration, though international agencies, including UN, World Bank, OECD, etc. are trying to do so. With unbalanced economic development, Africa should call upon itself to benefit from the window of international technology transfer brought about by the new opportunities and mechanism. In this difficult time, we would like to promote three words: Innovation, leadership, and resilience through which we shape the world in the global higher education. These words support and complement to each other.

EICC/TIU Global University President Forum (GUPF) Global Innovation Webinar (GIW) Series
Working with UNAI/CAMOT and Research Centre of Technological Innovation Centre, Tsinghua University, EICC has been successfully organizing annual Global University President Forum (GUPF) since 2008 and Global Innovation Webinar (GIW) series since early 2021, which has become global events in addressing global issues in global higher education with global innovation solutions and attracted high-profile speakers, university presidents/vice chancellors, innovators, social and technology entrepreneurs, Politian and investors, etc. as well as global participants. GUPF and GIW would like to have a focus on
Promotion of International Technology Transfer and Innovation in Africa
Promotion of Research and Innovation in ITT in Africa
Promotion of E-learning – ELITE in Africa
Promotion of strategic investment in Africa
Professor Richard Li-Hua: Director
Professor Ridha Rejeb: Co-director
Dr Abdul Almehdie: Executive Director
International Adversary Council
Ramu Damodaran, Chief of UNAI, 2010-2021
Professor CHEN Jin, Tsinghua University, China
Ms Elsie Ngowo-Effange-Mbella, Minister Plenipotentiary of Foreign Affairs, Cameroon
Ms Pinar Akkaya, Founder and Managing Director, Signature Communication, UK

Creating a Brighter Future
The EICC Centre of Excellence in Teaching, Learning and Enhancement (CETLE) aims to support EICC vision of enhancing teaching, learning and academic practice of global higher education in Innovation, Technology, Entrepreneurship, Leadership and Incubation. It provides a global platform for EICC global partners – ELITE Global Colleges - Offline Delivery Centres to extend and advance their academic capacities and teaching & learning shills through participating in the staff induction programme, training and development events, and annual EICC teaching and learning conferences, as well as Global University President Forum.
Integrating world-class research and innovation with teaching and learning
Inspiring innovative technology-enhanced learning in global higher education
Enriching students learning experiences by promoting digital literacy and innovations in applying the appropriate technology for online and offline (O2O) education
Enhancing staff professional and intellectual development through academic training programs in teaching, learning, and enhancement

Senior Education Leader Development Programme:
This programme aims to develop Deans/Associate Deans, Head of Department, Director of Quality/ Teaching and Learning, Director of Research on the effective management of teaching, learning and quality system within the Graduate School, enhance the research and academic capacities and raise the global profile of your university.
Teaching, Learning and Quality Enhancement Programme:
This programme aims to help staff assess their own teaching appropriateness, effectiveness and efficiency by reflecting various education framework, teaching and learning strategies, diversification in classroom, building learning communities and encourage the culture of ‘Teaching Matters’ and reward teaching excellence and impact on learning in higher education.
We offer associate membership and full membership to teaching staff of our global academic partners – ELITE Global Colleges – Offline Delivery Centres.
Your passion for teaching is our mission for enhancing learning. Engaging with CETEL and joining our Teaching and Learning conferences and Global University President Forum. For more information, please contact: Globaloffice@eiucambridge.com